Hello everyone, we hope this week finds everyone well and still enjoying this beautiful weather.
It is a quiet week of racing for Amelia Park so just an update for you.
Lou has decided to wait another couple of weeks for the next run and is aiming for the ROMA CUP DAY so we will keep you informed in the next week.
Looking forward to hearing from Haysey when the next start will be.
Exciting to see the yearlings being brought into the stables for a month at a time to strengthen and educate them since returning from the breakers, then return to the paddocks for resting. The staff said they are enjoying working with the younguns.
Kevin has now become a permanent Resident and therefore has commenced his full time Jockey Apprenticeship for Amelia Park. In time he will be moved to Lous stables for further training. Welcome aboard Kevin and we know you will succeed in this chosen field.
We welcome back Brett and Tegan from their well earned rest in Bali. As they say - it goes to quick - but they had a wonderful time at Tanah Lot and a few amazing sunsets were enjoyed, along with the massages, spas and excellent pampering from the staff.
Peter thoroughly enjoyed his weekend and thanks Neil and Denise for their great hospitality and introducing him to their beautiful Walpole hideaway. Before Denise, Annie and the girls arrived, Neil took Peter for a few quiet ones at the local and needless to say, met the locals and in his usual way made a lot of new friends who delivered fresh honey and fish the next morning. It turned into a 2am departure, they certainly made themselves right at home with the friendly locals. Peter said it reminded him of the old days in Margaret River with the friendly good old fashioned small township. Neil & Denise have done themselves proud with their comfortable home and Peter looks forward to the next invitation.
"Wait for news to follow"
As it is the quiet time with the horses Peter thought this weeks news centred on the beautiful Aviary at Amelia Park and the visitors it attracts.
Peters very good friends, Brian Bradley and Barbara Barclay had a great weekend with Peter. Brian rates as the Most Successful Breeder in WA for our Amelia Park stars and he spends a lot of time visiting Amelia Park.
Glenn was thrilled when Barbara asked to enter the flights, which is very unusual, as most people visiting prefer to stay at the front of the flights and admire the birds. Her beauty and gentle charm won over some of our more difficult birds in a way that is very rare to see. The way the birds warmed to her was as if she had known these birds for a long period of time. The day was finished with a glass of red overlooking the beautiful gardens at the Aviary.
Please enjoy the photos we have included.
I think I can safely say everyone - ENJOY THE RAIN
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