Thursday, May 24, 2012



Welcome everyone

Just come across one of the beautiful pictures of this beautiful spot.  Peter and Annie are currently there visiting Peters good friend David Rodwell - IT LOOKS VERY INVITING DOESN'T IT!!!

I look forward to hearing all about their adventure next week.

Our Stable Manager Owen reported that he is very pleased with the Pre-Training Programme and some of the horses will leave for Perth next week.  He is quite keen to see these horses progression in Perth.

He also reported that a Trainer from Ireland requested to visit the Farm as he had heard good reports and was told not to miss having a look over the place.  Owen said he welcomed James Halpin and had an interesting meeting and showed him over the Farm.
Peter will be pleased to hear we have had a visitor. 

My goodness it has been cold in the mornings and evenings.  As the kettle gets put on in the early mornings I think of the staff that have been already working for 1 hour OUTSIDE and feel for them - Glad its them and not me!!!

Keep Warm everyone and look forward to Peters report next week and HOPEFULLY A RAIN REPORT.


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